SEA is a Munjoy Hill Based Organization of artists that seeks to promote awareness of East End Arts in Portland through our 2 annual events: the SEA Open Studios Tour in July and Art on the Hill, a holiday art sale that includes over 80 artists, in December. If you are a Maine artist who has a connection to the East End, we’d love to have you join SEA.Click on the links to learn more about our members & our events.
Artist Benefits:
* Be listed on the SEA members webpage with examples of your work & contact information
* Get inspiration & motivation from being a part of the Art community on the Hill
How SEA got started:
Colleen Bedard, glass bead artist & printmaker, & Dennis Sheehy, maker of gnome homes, planned an informal meeting at Dennis’ home in the Winter of 2005 to talk about starting an arts organization on the East End. A handful of Munjoy Hill artists attended & ideas were exchanged about what artists wanted & needed from a neighborhood Arts organization. With the efforts of founding members, Colleen Bedard, Dennis Sheehy, Elizabeth Fraser, Mike Libby & Abby Sadauckas, & the input of many East End artists, the Society for East End Arts was underway. Meetings continued throughout the winter and spring of 2005 and SEA began to define its mission and build a membership base. June of 2005 marked SEA’s first event, the East End Artists Open Studios Tour.
Black Lives Matter. We stand for racial equality and justice.